$5 billion Microsoft investment to benefit businesses, Australian IT sector

October 26, 2023

In a major announcement by the Australian Federal Government this week, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese advised Microsoft will be making an additional $5 billion investment in Australia.

As one of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie’s leading Information Technology Managed Service Providers and one of Microsoft’s first local associates to earn Microsoft Solutions Partner Status in the Modern Work category, Adept IT Solutions believe the investment will provide significant benefits to local businesses and to the broader IT sector.

“Australian business owners are facing several key challenges when it comes to ensuring they adapt, transform and optimise their IT technologies,” says Adept IT Solutions Managing Director, Paul Strang.

“Rapid changes are occurring with digital infrastructure and AI development and usage. We are expecting to see an increase in demand for cloud computing services in future years and greater protection is required to help combat ever-evolving cybersecurity risks,”

“Microsoft’s investment not only focuses on these core challenges for business owners, but also assists IT technology businesses like Adept IT Solutions to upskill staff and hire additional personnel to meet the demands of our growing customer base,” said Mr Strang.

Here’s Adept IT Solutions in depth analysis of the key areas Microsoft investment is targeting and how these will assist Australian business owners and the IT sector.

Microsoft investment in AI infrastructure and cloud computing

The $5 billion financial investment by Microsoft is primarily aimed at expanding its hyperscale cloud computing and AI infrastructure.

Over the next two years, Microsoft aims to grow its local datacentre footprint from twenty to twenty-nine local sites across Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney. Microsoft’s digital infrastructure investment will see its computing capacity increase by approximately 250 per cent over this time, meeting a growth in demand predicted for cloud computing services in Australia.

According to a whitepaper by the International Data Corporation (IDC) commissioned by Microsoft, demand for cloud computing services is expected to almost double from A$12.2 billion in 2022 to A$22.4 billion in 2026.

Adept IT Solutions expect to see more local businesses moving towards cloud-based solutions for their businesses in future. Our knowledgeable and friendly team can assist all existing customers and potential local business owners who are looking to move away from server-based data-storage to secure, responsive and dependable cloud-based solutions. 

$5 billion Microsoft investment to benefit businesses, Australian IT sector - Adept IT Solutions | IT Service and Support Newcastle, Hunter and Central Coast

Microsoft partnership to boost cyber security

Given October is cyber security awareness month, the Australian Government’s announcement that Microsoft will be collaborating with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) as part of their broader investment is aptly timed.

Over the past couple of years, Australia has seen an increase in the number of businesses being targeted by cybercriminals. Given this, Adept IT Solutions are excited by the news of additional investment to help combat future threats.

“Cyber security attacks pose a significant risk to business, particularly when it comes to the financial impact that a potential loss of data can have on an organisation,” says Paul Strang.

Microsoft will be working with the ASD on an initiative dubbed ‘the Microsoft-Australian Signals Directorate Cyber Shield (MACS) which aims to improve both organisations’ capabilities in identifying, preventing and responding to cyber threats.

According to Microsoft and the ASD, the initiative will include the evolution of national threat intelligence sharing capabilities, with a focus on detecting, analysing and defending against sophisticated nation-state cyber threats.

“Adept IT Solutions are doing our part to help keep our customers up to date and informed on cyber security by following and recommending the implementation of the ACSC and ASD’s Essential Eight Mitigation and Supporting Strategies,” says Paul Strang.

“It’s imperative that businesses are doing all they can to reduce their risk and Adept IT Solutions provides an essential role in ensuring our clients have the latest software and security updates rolled out to their systems,” he says.

$5 billion Microsoft investment to benefit businesses, Australian IT sector - Adept IT Solutions | IT Service and Support Newcastle, Hunter and Central Coast

Microsoft investment will assist the IT sector to upskill, train and hire new staff

As part of Microsoft’s commitment in Australia, a new Microsoft Data Centre Academy will open in 2023 in partnership with TAFE NSW.

The aim of the Academy is to help facilitate the Australian Government’s intent on filling 1.2 million tech-related jobs across the country by 2030, with its curriculum covering core responsibilities required of data centre technicians, critical environment specialists, inventory and asset management professionals and IT operations personnel.

Adept IT Solutions is one organisation that expects to benefit from the development of such an Academy.

“Over the past twelve months we’ve seen a 30 per cent growth in staff and we expect this to continue as demand for IT services increases in the coming year,” says Paul Strang.

“Upskilling and training are also supported to existing employees, therefore programs like the new Academy at TAFE NSW will only assist Adept IT Solutions in broadening our existing knowledge base and staying in touch with the latest technology advancement,” says Mr Strang.

If you would like to learn more about Adept IT Solutions and our full range of IT Managed Services, how we can assist you to move towards cloud-based solutions and stay cyber aware, contact Adept IT Solutions on 1300 4 23378 (ADEPT) or email us at info@adept-it.com.au.

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